About Us

Springer Family Foods is a family owned three-generation swine production operation in Southeastern Kansas near Independence. The 3,450 sow farrow to finish swine operation is housed on ten separate sites in Montgomery and Wilson Counties. The owners of the swine operation also maintain two crops enterprises, with a total of 7,200 acres of cropland producing corn, soybeans, and wheat. Approximately half of the operations feed grain needs are supplied by the family’s crop operations.
In the swine operation, all animals are housed in confinement buildings. The farm currently has the capacity for 3,450 gestating females, 642 lactating females, 13,000 nursery pigs, and 27,000 finishing pigs. Annual sales exceed 80,000 head of market hogs. SFF processes feed at 2 different on-site feed mills.

Herd Health is a top priority at SFF’s swine facilities. In April of 2008, the farm began a complete repopulation process to maintain and strengthen the herd’s health status. The herd is closed to all outside animals. Employees are asked to follow specific bio-security procedures adapted to each site and phase of production.
The operation currently includes 30 full-time employees and 2 part-time employees. Of our full-time employees, 2 are office staff, 3 focus on facility maintenance, and the rest focus on swine production and feed processing. Over 70% of our staff has been with us more than 3 years. Four of our employees have been with us 15 or more years.